艾米·西达里,英语 & History Teacher 和 Grade 5 Dean

Grade 5 Dean 和 English 和 History Teacher, 艾米Sidari, has been welcoming Ellis girls to the 中学 for the last 17 years. 在她的教室里, you’ll find her teaching 学生 about the wonders of Greek mythology 和 ancient civilizations, 和 holding dynamic discussions on dystopian tales like 的人 和 classic coming of age stories like 通往特拉比西亚的桥. An avid reader 和 bibliophile, Mrs. Sidari brings her lifelong love of literature (her mom owned a bookstore) to not only her 学生, but the entire 中学 as she leads Ellis’ 书籍之战 challenge. An enthusiastic teacher, Dean, 和 CrossFitter, Mrs. Sidari shares her favorite book to teach to her 学生 和 what she loves most about her job.
标题:中学英语 & 历史老师,五年级教务长
教育:B.S. Fashion Merch和ising, Kent State University; M.Ed.拿撒勒学院

Tell me about how you got into teaching. Did you know you always wanted to be a teacher?
成长的过程中, my ultimate goal was to be a fashion stylist at the White House 和 pick outfits for the President 和 the First Lady. I went to Kent State for merch和ising 和 planned to work in the fashion industry, but that obviously didn’t pan out! It wasn’t until I started working at a sporting goods store after college that I became interested in teaching. While I was there, I started a baseball card program centered around kids. It really piqued my interest in teaching, so I decided to take an education course at the local college to see if it was something I wanted to pursue seriously. From the first day of my first class, I knew teaching was the right path for me. I went on to get my master’s in education from Nazareth College 和 have been teaching ever since.

你在澳门新葡新京官方多久了? Have you always been in the 中学?
我在澳门新葡新京官方工作17年了! I was hired as a part-time 较低的学校 computer teacher 和 a part-time 中学 reading specialist. 在我入职两年后, there was an opening for a fifth grade teacher position, 所以我申请并得到了这份工作. English 和 history were a great fit because I’ve always loved books 和 history. My mother owned a bookstore when I was growing up, so I loved to read about true events 和 fictional worlds. I always hope my enthusiasm for both subjects is contagious to the 学生.

How do you think the all-girls classroom at Ellis benefits 学生?
I taught in coed classrooms in New York for several years before coming to Ellis, 和 I could see the difference immediately. At Ellis, the girls are empowered, not inhibited. They are self-assured in the classroom, confident in their abilities, 和 eager to learn more. They’re not afraid to fail because they’re secure in who they are. When you take boys out of the equation, girls don’t think twice about sharing their thoughts 和 opinions. It’s really exciting to watch girls find their voice 和 discover their passions in 中学.

What do you love most about your job?
The 学生 和 the people I have the pleasure of working with every day. Ellis really is a fantastic community. I also feel incredibly lucky to have the freedom that I do in my 中学 classroom. It’s invigorating to try new things, 介绍不同的书籍, 和 change things up based on the 学生 I have each year. Every year is different 和 I like to tailor my lessons to my current class.

When you think of Ellis, what’s the first thing that comes to mind?
紧密团结的社区. Not just within 中学 faculty, but across divisions between teachers, 学生, 工作人员, 和领导能力.

With my son, Parker, 12, 和 my husb和. We have two dogs 和 I like to exercise—I do CrossFit!

How would you describe yourself in three words?
爱尔兰. 勤劳的. 专用的.

Which fictional character would you most like to meet in real life?
莱斯利的 通往特拉比西亚的桥. 在书中, she’s a newcomer trying to find her way 和 I would want to meet her so I could offer her support 和 encouragement. I would tell her to be who she is, not anyone else.

What is your favorite book to teach?
的人 作者:Lois Lowry. I teach it in the spring once the girls are a little older 和 are ready for more in-depth discussions. They are so engaged 和 excited about the book that all they want to do is read 和 talk about it. 他们无法放下它! As a teacher, seeing my 学生 that eager to read 和 learn is the best.

Raymie夜莺 凯特·迪卡米洛, The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place 玛丽罗斯·伍德的 给我留个座位 by Sarah Weeks 和 Gita Varadarajan—this year’s selections for 中学’s 书籍之战!

What are your favorite shows to watch on TV?

Where do you most want to travel, but have never been?